Urgent Nap

April 22, 2017

George is not a morning kind of guy. Some dogs leap up when they hear their bowl touched, but not George. Some come running at the sound of food being prepared, but not George. Some will come when called for breakfast, but not George.

Most mornings, I walk into our bedroom and find George sprawled across our bed. I say his name loud enough to be heard over his snoring. He acknowledges with a flick of his tail but doesn’t open his eyes or lift his head. I hold the bowl under his nose. He thumps his tail with greater intent. I tell him his breakfast is ready, and if he doesn’t haul ass out of bed, I will give it to Stanley and walk out of the room. I hear him slowly stretch, jump off the bed, and follow me begrudgingly to the kitchen.

Once he’s finished his breakfast and had his morning biology break, he runs, yes runs, back to our bed. I’ve never seen any being so urgent to get back to sleep.

George on 2014-03-06 at 5 months old

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