Fox Family

April 5, 2021

We currently have a family of foxes living behind our barn. Multiple times a day, mama fox heads down the driveway on her way to the grocery store. She returns rather promptly, carrying fresh kill for her pups. Within a few minutes, she heads out to gather more grub for her brood.

Hunting has been good, and it’s not uncommon for my dogs to find fox “leftovers” in the yard. Nora is a piglet and stuffs her mouth with her treasure, her cheeks bulging like a chipmunk. Alice proudly presents her find. She prances around the yard with a head or tail protruding from her lips. Stanley will try to smuggle his prize into the house. Thankfully he has yet to succeed. George is a devoted carbivore and spends his time scolding the others.

I am not thrilled with my dogs playing with carrion. I will call whoever is in possession and offer a windfall of treats in trade for the carcass. Whenever I utter the words “drop it,” I say a silent prayer hoping for an entire corpse and not just body parts. I have yet to decide if a decapitated body or a bodiless head is more disturbing… I’m calling it a tie.

This has given rise to a new game.

The dogs now beeline for the yard in search of the dead. The first to find it will race to me, drop it at my feet, and await their bounty. The others are commended for their restraint while they wait patiently for their consolation treat.

Vixen on 2021-05-01

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