
Saint Bernard

About Norm

Born August 30, 2009
Died August 26, 2013
Weight 170 pounds
Height 32½ inches

Norm arrived home on October 23, 2009, at eight weeks of age. He was an exceptional traveller and spent the 3-hour journey asleep on my lap. “Calm” didn’t do justice when describing his incredibly mellow demeanour. Nothing fazed him. He took everything in stride.

Norm was such as easy puppy to raise. He was housetrained within the week and never got into trouble when given free rein of our home. Norm excelled at obedience, though he’d never win any time trials.

Norm had multiple health challenges, and we spent much time at the vet. He was a “lifer” at our local physiotherapy and rehabilitation clinic. When we arrived, someone always called out “Norm!” as soon as he entered. This would elicit full-body wiggles and a play bow from Norm. He loved people but was definitely a ladies’ man, and the vet clinic was his domain.
Norm was 32½ inches tall at the withers and 170 lbs., give or take a cookie or two. Although Norm had some health challenges, he remained a perpetually happy boy. He was engaging, affectionate, comical, and a wonderful addition to our family. Everyone who met Norm fell in love with him.

Norm was the beginning of my love affair with the breed. It wasn’t until he arrived that I realized something had been missing in my life… a Saint.

Weight Chart
Age Pounds Inches Kilograms Centimeters
2 months 25.9 lb 14.25 in 11.7 kg 36.0 cm
3 months 44.0 lb 18.75 in 20.0 kg 47.5 cm
4 months 64.0 lb 22.50 in 29.0 kg 57.0 cm
5 months 86.0 lb 26.00 in 39.0 kg 66.0 cm
6 months 103.0 lb 28.00 in 46.7 kg 71.0 cm
7 months 117.0 lb 29.50 in 53.1 kg 75.0 cm
8 months 129.0 lb 30.50 in 58.5 kg 77.5 cm
9 months 138.0 lb 31.00 in 62.6 kg 78.5 cm
10 months 149.0 lb 32.00 in 67.6 kg 81.5 cm
11 months 154.0 lb 32.00 in 69.9 kg 81.5 cm
1 year 160.0 lb 32.00 in 72.6 kg 81.5 cm
2 years 175.0 lb 32.50 in 79.4 kg 82.5 cm
3 years 169.0 lb 32.50 in 76.7 kg 82.5 cm
4 years 165.0 lb 32.50 in 74.8 kg 82.5 cm

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